Delivering higher efficiency for evolving industrial demands

Howden has been at the forefront of improving efficiency in boiler-based power plants and industries with fired heaters since the emergence of the technology over a hundred years ago. As early as the 1930's, the heater was applied to FGD systems and since then to SCR systems to optimise emission controls.

Combustion processes

Regenerative air preheaters extract the waste heat from the exhaust gas as it leaves the furnace and transfers this energy to the inlet air used in the furnace to provide the oxygen to fire the fuel.

As the preheater slowly rotates at around 1-2 rpm, thin metal heat transfer elements absorb heat from the hot gas stream and transfer it to the incoming cold air stream.

Aim: to increase the efficiency of the boiler, furnace or fired heater by 10-15%.

Typical processes served
  • Fossil fuel fired boilers used as steam generators for power or process requirements
  • Fired equipment such as furnaces for oil refining and chemicals (e.g. cracking, reforming) and metals (e.g. blast furnace)
  • Fired equipment such as ovens, incinerators and dryers
Applicable products
  • Air preheaters (APH) - large site built heaters
  • Package air preheaters - pre-engineered heaters in a compact unit
Request literature


Sulphur Dioxide treatment

Sulphur dioxide is a harmful acidic gas emitted as part of fossil fuel combustion. As Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) technology was introduced to control emissions by scrubbing the gas, the rotary heater found another valuable application.

Many FGD systems are designed with gas reheaters (GGH) to reduce the flue gas temperature before the adsorber and reheat the treated gas producing a ‘dry’ stack. This ensures sufficient plume buoyancy and prevents ground level SO2 concentrations rising above specified limits.

The GGH reduces water usage in the adsorber and eliminates stack liquid discharge. It also avoids high stack renovation costs and maintenance issues caused by acid corrosion and drain blockage.

Regenerative gas/gas heaters recover energy from the untreated gas as it enters the FGD scrubber by absorbing the waste heat in thin metal heat transfer elements. The elements typically rotate at around 0,5-1 rpm to transfer the heat to the treated gas being sent to the stack.

Aim: to aid SOX treatment process and reduce costs by reheating treated gas to required buoyancy level.

Typical processes served
  • FGD within fossil fuel power generation
  • FGD within heavy industries using fossil fuel boilers e.g. chemicals, metals, paper
Applicable products
  • Gas Gas Heater (GGH)
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Nitrite Oxide treatment

Nitric oxide is a harmful gas emitted as part of fossil fuel combustion. As Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology was introduced to control emissions, the rotary heater found another valuable application.

Within some plants, where the SCR cannot be fitted at the economiser, the low dust (or tail end) SCR arrangement is used to reduce the NOx emissions.

Regenerative gas/gas heaters (GGH) recover energy from the treated gas as it leaves the SCR by absorbing the waste heat in thin metal heat transfer elements. In this application, the heated elements rotate at between 0,6-1 rpm to transfer the heat to the untreated gas feed thereby reducing the level of additional heating required to reach the reaction temperature.

Aim: to increase the efficiency of the NOX emissions system by reducing additional heating required to reach the reaction temperature for the destruction of NOX (≈ 250 - 330oC).

Typical processes served
  • SCR within fossil fuel power generation
  • SCR within heavy industries using fossil fuel combustion within process e.g. metals
Applicable products
  • Gas Gas Heater (GGH)
Request literature


Carbon Dioxide Capture

As industry moves towards carbon capture and storage, rotary heater technology is being integrated into developing solutions.

Post Combustion Carbon Capture (PCC) plants can be developed as part of a new power plant or retrofitted. They capture the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the flue gasfor use as a product or storage in permanent underground geological storage facilities.

The heater for this process is similar to the gas gas heater (GGH) with similar temperatures to the FGD process. The heater combines cooling the flue gas prior to the FGD plant and re-heating the treated gas after the carbon capture plant for exhaust to the stack.

Aim: to lower the temperature of the untreated gas before the capture plant and use this to re-heat the treated gas to reduce plume visibility and have enough buoyancy to exit the chimney.

Applicable products
  • Gas Gas Heater (GGH)
Request literature


Burner/dryer processes

Many industrial industrial processes involve high temperature firing. These processes are high consumers of energy, and so any means of reducing requirements can add up to substantial operating savings.

Howden's solution comes from our Rothemühle brand and their DREBS heater. This is a rotating regenerator burner system, where the heater absorbs energy from high temperature exhaust gas on ceramic heating surfaces, which then rotate to transfer heat into the air flow.

Compared to conventional recuperators, the DREBS can be used for significantly higher temperatures of up to 1200oC. Due to the high thermal efficiency of >85%, energy savings can be doubled compared to conventional recuperators.

Aim: to increase the efficiency of burners and dryers by up to 100% over conventional recuperators.

Typical applications
  • Ladle fires
  • Rolling mill furnaces
  • Annealing and Hardening ovens
  • Smelters for Aluminium
  • Smelters for Glass
  • Enamelling ovens
  • Ceramic kilns
Applicable products
Request literature


Regenerative air preheaters extract the waste heat from the exhaust gas as it leaves the furnace and transfers this energy to the inlet air used in the furnace to provide the oxygen to fire the fuel.

As the preheater slowly rotates at around 1-2 rpm, thin metal heat transfer elements absorb heat from the hot gas stream and transfer it to the incoming cold air stream.

Aim: to increase the efficiency of the boiler, furnace or fired heater by 10-15%.

Typical processes served
  • Fossil fuel fired boilers used as steam generators for power or process requirements
  • Fired equipment such as furnaces for oil refining and chemicals (e.g. cracking, reforming) and metals (e.g. blast furnace)
  • Fired equipment such as ovens, incinerators and dryers
Applicable products
  • Air preheaters (APH) - large site built heaters
  • Package air preheaters - pre-engineered heaters in a compact unit
Request literature


Sulphur dioxide is a harmful acidic gas emitted as part of fossil fuel combustion. As Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) technology was introduced to control emissions by scrubbing the gas, the rotary heater found another valuable application.

Many FGD systems are designed with gas reheaters (GGH) to reduce the flue gas temperature before the adsorber and reheat the treated gas producing a ‘dry’ stack. This ensures sufficient plume buoyancy and prevents ground level SO2 concentrations rising above specified limits.

The GGH reduces water usage in the adsorber and eliminates stack liquid discharge. It also avoids high stack renovation costs and maintenance issues caused by acid corrosion and drain blockage.

Regenerative gas/gas heaters recover energy from the untreated gas as it enters the FGD scrubber by absorbing the waste heat in thin metal heat transfer elements. The elements typically rotate at around 0,5-1 rpm to transfer the heat to the treated gas being sent to the stack.

Aim: to aid SOX treatment process and reduce costs by reheating treated gas to required buoyancy level.

Typical processes served
  • FGD within fossil fuel power generation
  • FGD within heavy industries using fossil fuel boilers e.g. chemicals, metals, paper
Applicable products
  • Gas Gas Heater (GGH)
Request literature


Nitric oxide is a harmful gas emitted as part of fossil fuel combustion. As Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology was introduced to control emissions, the rotary heater found another valuable application.

Within some plants, where the SCR cannot be fitted at the economiser, the low dust (or tail end) SCR arrangement is used to reduce the NOx emissions.

Regenerative gas/gas heaters (GGH) recover energy from the treated gas as it leaves the SCR by absorbing the waste heat in thin metal heat transfer elements. In this application, the heated elements rotate at between 0,6-1 rpm to transfer the heat to the untreated gas feed thereby reducing the level of additional heating required to reach the reaction temperature.

Aim: to increase the efficiency of the NOX emissions system by reducing additional heating required to reach the reaction temperature for the destruction of NOX (≈ 250 - 330oC).

Typical processes served
  • SCR within fossil fuel power generation
  • SCR within heavy industries using fossil fuel combustion within process e.g. metals
Applicable products
  • Gas Gas Heater (GGH)
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As industry moves towards carbon capture and storage, rotary heater technology is being integrated into developing solutions.

Post Combustion Carbon Capture (PCC) plants can be developed as part of a new power plant or retrofitted. They capture the carbon dioxide (CO2) in the flue gasfor use as a product or storage in permanent underground geological storage facilities.

The heater for this process is similar to the gas gas heater (GGH) with similar temperatures to the FGD process. The heater combines cooling the flue gas prior to the FGD plant and re-heating the treated gas after the carbon capture plant for exhaust to the stack.

Aim: to lower the temperature of the untreated gas before the capture plant and use this to re-heat the treated gas to reduce plume visibility and have enough buoyancy to exit the chimney.

Applicable products
  • Gas Gas Heater (GGH)
Request literature


Many industrial industrial processes involve high temperature firing. These processes are high consumers of energy, and so any means of reducing requirements can add up to substantial operating savings.

Howden's solution comes from our Rothemühle brand and their DREBS heater. This is a rotating regenerator burner system, where the heater absorbs energy from high temperature exhaust gas on ceramic heating surfaces, which then rotate to transfer heat into the air flow.

Compared to conventional recuperators, the DREBS can be used for significantly higher temperatures of up to 1200oC. Due to the high thermal efficiency of >85%, energy savings can be doubled compared to conventional recuperators.

Aim: to increase the efficiency of burners and dryers by up to 100% over conventional recuperators.

Typical applications
  • Ladle fires
  • Rolling mill furnaces
  • Annealing and Hardening ovens
  • Smelters for Aluminium
  • Smelters for Glass
  • Enamelling ovens
  • Ceramic kilns
Applicable products
Request literature


Bibliothèque vidéo


A heritage of service and innovation

Howden has been involved with rotary regenerative heaters since first forming a joint venture with Fredrik Ljungström, the inventor, in 1923. Notre propre technologie de produits a été améliorée par la recherche, le développement et l’analyse continus afin d’optimiser les performances et la fiabilité des produits.

The Rothemühle brand was added in 2021, bringing with it almost 90 years of heater experience.

Our capabilities stretch from ensuring our large global base of heaters continue to perform for our customers to adapting the technology for emerging industrial needs.

Product Range

Howden heaters operate across a wide range of gas volumes, temperatures and footprints to align with the requirements of multiple processes and engineering configurations.


Product Thermal Energy Recovery Gas Volume Gas Temperature Footprint Leakage Applications
Package Heater up to 15MW 45 to 200 tonnes/h up to 370oC (698oF) env. 3.5m2 to 5.4m2 <5% Using single/double radial and double axial seals Smaller scale air preheating
Préchauffeur d'air up to 100MW 200 to 3600 tonnes/h up to 500oC (932oF) up to 625m2 <5% Using labyrinth multiple seals with optional sectors plates Large volume air preheating
Réchauffeur de gaz up to 100MW 200 to 3600 tonnes/h up to 500oC (932oF) up to 625m2 <0,5% Using labyrinth multiple seals, purge and scavenge systems with optional sectors plates Gas reheating for FGD and gas preheating for SCR
DREBS Heater up to 7MW up to 40 tonnes/h up to 1200oC (2192oF) up to 16m2 Variable based on pressure and application High temperature energy recovery for metals, glass and oven applications
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Keeping maximum efficiency requires an in-depth knowledge of how the heater will perform over time with each particular fuel type. The heat transfer elements are designed specifically for each application and fuel.

Notre large gamme de profils nous permet d’offrir le bon équilibre entre performances thermodynamiques, chute de pression et facilité de nettoyage pour toutes les situations. Ces profils peuvent être choisis dans notre gamme (qui comprend le premier élément à double profil disponible dans le commerce au monde), ou nous pouvons correspondre aux profils existants que vous avez déjà.

Nous sommes le leader mondial en matière de production d’éléments émaillés, qui offrent à la fois une protection contre la corrosion et une bonne propreté lorsqu’ils sont utilisés dans des environnements rigoureux.

Elements play a critical role in heater performance, but by taking a systematic view of the science of the contamination and cleaning cycle, we have evolved an integrated system that delivers far more than the sum of its parts:

SureCoat™ (high performance enamelling) + SurePack™ (optimised element packaging) + Enerjet™ (advanced cleaning system).

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Advanced Sealing

Minimising gas leakage is a key consideration and Howden has developed a series of innovative solutions.

The VN sealing system maintains consistently low leakage for extended periods. Additional methods are adopted for GGHs such pressurising the seal space with clean gas, using a purge fan to create a slight pressure difference. A scavenge system then expels dirty gas from the elements using treated gas.

Joints de contact

Les joints de contact flexibles pour échangeurs de chaleur rotatifs sont une méthode permettant de réduire les écarts de fuite directe entre l’extrémité chaude du rotor et les plaques sectorielles, qui séparent les flux d’air et de gaz.

Les joints standard tombent en panne en raison d'une flexion constante, par conséquent Howden a mené un programme de développement étendu pour optimiser les joints de contact pour les applications appropriées, fournissant des réductions de fuites importantes. Étant donné que les joints fonctionnent mieux dans les situations où les écarts sont faibles et uniformes, la réduction des fuites peut être améliorée davantage en combinant avec des plaques sectorielles paraboliques.

Plaques sectorielles paraboliques

Une surveillance environnementale accrue et la demande des plus hauts niveaux d’efficacité ont conduit Howden à développer des plaques sectorielles paraboliques (brevet en instance) à utiliser avec nos éléments chauffants.

Les plaques sectorielles à extrémité chaude sont conçues avec une rigidité variable pour se déformer paraboliquement, lorsqu’elles sont actionnées, pour correspondre à la forme du rotor de fonctionnement déformé. Cela minimise l’écart de fuite de l’extrémité chaude.

Les plaques sectorielles paraboliques Howden réduisent non seulement l’énergie du ventilateur de soufflage dans l’usine, mais également le débit massique du gaz vers l’équipement de réduction des émissions en aval.

Request literature


Cleaning Systems

Unlike tubular or plate recuperative heat exchangers, fouling does not cause deterioration in heat transfer in rotary regenerative heat exchangers. Fouling increases pressure differentials and consequently fan power and leakage. Keeping the elements clean though, maintains high availability and minimizes maintenance needs to scheduled services.

Le système de nettoyage Howden Enerjet™ est une méthode de lavage à l'eau haute pression en ligne des préchauffeurs d'air, conçue pour assurer un nettoyage efficace et efficient des éléments de l'échangeur de chaleur fortement encrassés pendant que le préchauffeur d'air est en utilisation normale.

Le système Enerjet™ peut être utilisé avec n'importe quel type de préchauffeur d'air de n'importe quel fabricant et fonctionne bien avec la plupart des types de profils d'éléments.

Enerjet™ combined with SureCoat™ (high performance enamelled elements) and SurePack™ (optimised element packaging) provides a systematic approach to the contamination and cleaning cycle delivering more than the sum of its parts.

Request literature


Howden heaters operate across a wide range of gas volumes, temperatures and footprints to align with the requirements of multiple processes and engineering configurations.


Product Thermal Energy Recovery Gas Volume Gas Temperature Footprint Leakage Applications
Package Heater up to 15MW 45 to 200 tonnes/h up to 370oC (698oF) env. 3.5m2 to 5.4m2 <5% Using single/double radial and double axial seals Smaller scale air preheating
Préchauffeur d'air up to 100MW 200 to 3600 tonnes/h up to 500oC (932oF) up to 625m2 <5% Using labyrinth multiple seals with optional sectors plates Large volume air preheating
Réchauffeur de gaz up to 100MW 200 to 3600 tonnes/h up to 500oC (932oF) up to 625m2 <0,5% Using labyrinth multiple seals, purge and scavenge systems with optional sectors plates Gas reheating for FGD and gas preheating for SCR
DREBS Heater up to 7MW up to 40 tonnes/h up to 1200oC (2192oF) up to 16m2 Variable based on pressure and application High temperature energy recovery for metals, glass and oven applications
Request literature

Keeping maximum efficiency requires an in-depth knowledge of how the heater will perform over time with each particular fuel type. The heat transfer elements are designed specifically for each application and fuel.

Notre large gamme de profils nous permet d’offrir le bon équilibre entre performances thermodynamiques, chute de pression et facilité de nettoyage pour toutes les situations. Ces profils peuvent être choisis dans notre gamme (qui comprend le premier élément à double profil disponible dans le commerce au monde), ou nous pouvons correspondre aux profils existants que vous avez déjà.

Nous sommes le leader mondial en matière de production d’éléments émaillés, qui offrent à la fois une protection contre la corrosion et une bonne propreté lorsqu’ils sont utilisés dans des environnements rigoureux.

Elements play a critical role in heater performance, but by taking a systematic view of the science of the contamination and cleaning cycle, we have evolved an integrated system that delivers far more than the sum of its parts:

SureCoat™ (high performance enamelling) + SurePack™ (optimised element packaging) + Enerjet™ (advanced cleaning system).

Request literature


Minimising gas leakage is a key consideration and Howden has developed a series of innovative solutions.

The VN sealing system maintains consistently low leakage for extended periods. Additional methods are adopted for GGHs such pressurising the seal space with clean gas, using a purge fan to create a slight pressure difference. A scavenge system then expels dirty gas from the elements using treated gas.

Joints de contact

Les joints de contact flexibles pour échangeurs de chaleur rotatifs sont une méthode permettant de réduire les écarts de fuite directe entre l’extrémité chaude du rotor et les plaques sectorielles, qui séparent les flux d’air et de gaz.

Les joints standard tombent en panne en raison d'une flexion constante, par conséquent Howden a mené un programme de développement étendu pour optimiser les joints de contact pour les applications appropriées, fournissant des réductions de fuites importantes. Étant donné que les joints fonctionnent mieux dans les situations où les écarts sont faibles et uniformes, la réduction des fuites peut être améliorée davantage en combinant avec des plaques sectorielles paraboliques.

Plaques sectorielles paraboliques

Une surveillance environnementale accrue et la demande des plus hauts niveaux d’efficacité ont conduit Howden à développer des plaques sectorielles paraboliques (brevet en instance) à utiliser avec nos éléments chauffants.

Les plaques sectorielles à extrémité chaude sont conçues avec une rigidité variable pour se déformer paraboliquement, lorsqu’elles sont actionnées, pour correspondre à la forme du rotor de fonctionnement déformé. Cela minimise l’écart de fuite de l’extrémité chaude.

Les plaques sectorielles paraboliques Howden réduisent non seulement l’énergie du ventilateur de soufflage dans l’usine, mais également le débit massique du gaz vers l’équipement de réduction des émissions en aval.

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Unlike tubular or plate recuperative heat exchangers, fouling does not cause deterioration in heat transfer in rotary regenerative heat exchangers. Fouling increases pressure differentials and consequently fan power and leakage. Keeping the elements clean though, maintains high availability and minimizes maintenance needs to scheduled services.

Le système de nettoyage Howden Enerjet™ est une méthode de lavage à l'eau haute pression en ligne des préchauffeurs d'air, conçue pour assurer un nettoyage efficace et efficient des éléments de l'échangeur de chaleur fortement encrassés pendant que le préchauffeur d'air est en utilisation normale.

Le système Enerjet™ peut être utilisé avec n'importe quel type de préchauffeur d'air de n'importe quel fabricant et fonctionne bien avec la plupart des types de profils d'éléments.

Enerjet™ combined with SureCoat™ (high performance enamelled elements) and SurePack™ (optimised element packaging) provides a systematic approach to the contamination and cleaning cycle delivering more than the sum of its parts.

Request literature



Why Howden?

  • Efficacité thermique élevée maximisant les économies d’énergie et de coûts récupérées
  • Émissions de CO2 moindres réduisant l’empreinte carbone et les coûts associés
  • Conception hautement flexible basée sur les conditions du processus avec des options préconçues disponibles
  • Conception compacte par rapport aux échangeurs de chaleur tubulaires ou à plaques récupérateurs, réduisant le coût par encombrement et bénéficiant aux exigences d’installation
  • Transfert de chaleur non affecté par l’encrassement permettant de maintenir les performances même en cas d’utilisation de carburants « sales »
  • Très faible vitesse de rotation nécessitant un entretien limité


Centenaire du réchauffeur rotatif

Lisez notre article célébrant le centenaire de notre implication dans les réchauffeurs rotatifs.

Réduction des émissions de carbone

Lisez notre article sur la manière dont le préchauffage de l’air permet d’obtenir une empreinte carbone significative et réduire les coûts opérationnels pour les industries à forte intensité énergétique.

SCR aciérie chinoise

Découvrez comment une aciérie a obtenu des contrôles plus efficaces sur les émissions de gaz nitreux en intégrant le réchauffeur de gaz d’Howden à son processus de gaz de queue.

Fuite du réchauffeur de coupe

Découvrez comment Howden a pu aider un opérateur de centrale électrique à réduire les fuites de chauffage et à réaliser des économies d’exploitation annuelles.

Mise en œuvre du SCR de fin de course

Découvrez comment Howden a aidé un opérateur d'usine de métallurgie à améliorer son usine DeNOx grâce à des réchauffeurs de gaz rotatifs haute performance.

L’évolution d’une idée

Lisez notre article sur la façon dont la conception originale du réchauffeur rotatif a été avancée par Howden


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Siège +44 141 885 7500

Ensemble de réchauffeurs +34 968 32 00 64